The Laps TV

Episode One: Tasmania | Winner of Best Documentary at the Paris Art and Movie Awards 2019

The Laps Tasmania, Festival Trailer

The Laps Tasmania

53 minutes | Australia | 2017

A film by Angie Davis and Dustin Hollick

Produced by Switchboard Media Group

How can we consume less? Live our dreams? Meet new friends? Adventure more? And have a bloody good time doing it? 'The Lap of Tasmania' is a documentary, following Dustin Hollick and Rhian Slapp, two ordinary fathers with the survival skills of well-trained house pets, on a two-week journey around Tasmania with not much more than the clothes on their backs. The rules are simple: No cash, no car, no technology and just 10 personal items each. These scruffy surfers from the East Coast of Australia leave home to learn the secrets of a well-balanced life and aim to get back a connection with nature that has been lost with the advent of modern convenience. They re-connect with nature but it is the goodwill and generosity of the quirky humans that inhabit this remote island that make their journey and survival possible.

Prior to completing their first ‘Lap,’ Dustin and Rhian embarked on a trial run dubbed ‘The Lap of the Northern Rivers.’

Meet the cast: Dustin Hollick and Rhian Slapp introduce themselves and talk about their pre-Tasmania trip ‘Lap of the Northern Rivers’ test run.

Preserving Tassie’s natural heritage


In 2019, Anicca Media committed to donating a portion of sales revenue ongoing from The Laps Tasmania to the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC). The TLC is a not-for-profit, apolitical, science and community-based organisation that raises funds from the public to protect irreplaceable sites and rare ecosystems by buying and managing private land in Tasmania.

Join us in taking action to ensure the beauty and diversity of Tasmania is preserved for future generations.